Current jobs related to Radiotherapist - Dubai, Dubai - stragoehealthcare
3 hours ago
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Stragoehealthcare Full timeSTRAGO Healthcare is a global talent acquisition advisory specialising in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. We partner with leading organisations to connect them with exceptional professionals worldwide ensuring access to top-tier talent that drives innovation, enhances patient care, and accelerates advancements in the industry.About our client.Our...
7 days ago
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates stragoehealthcare Full timeSTRAGO Healthcare is a global talent acquisition advisory specialising in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. We partner with leading organisations to connect them with exceptional professionals worldwide ensuring access to toptier talent that drives innovation enhances patient care and accelerates advancements in the industry. About our client. Our...
6 days ago
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Stragoehealthcare Full timeSTRAGO Healthcare is a global talent acquisition advisory specialising in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. We partner with leading organisations to connect them with exceptional professionals worldwide ensuring access to top-tier talent that drives innovation, enhances patient care, and accelerates advancements in the industry.About our client.Our...
Medical Radiation Therapist
6 days ago
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Stragoehealthcare Full timeA Radiotherapist plays a critical role in cancer treatment using radiation therapy. They work closely with oncologists, medical physicists, and other healthcare professionals to deliver precise and safe radiation treatments to patients. The role requires expertise in operating advanced radiotherapy equipment and developing treatment plans.
2 weeks ago
STRAGOHealthcare is a global talent acquisition advisory specialising inthe healthcare and life sciences sectors. We partner with leadingorganisations to connect them with exceptional professionalsworldwide ensuring access to toptier talent that drives innovationenhances patient care and accelerates advancements in theindustry.
Aboutour client
Ourclient has been at the forefront of expanding access to qualityhealthcare in North Africa playing a key role in transforming thenation's healthcare landscape. As the leading privatehealthcare provider it operates over 30 facilities across majorcities with a network of over 3000 beds 1300 doctors and more than300000 patient admissions annually. Our client is committed toproviding comprehensive patientfocused medical services throughcuttingedge facilities clinical excellence and superior carestandards
Aboutthe Role
ARadiotherapist plays a crucial role in the treatment of cancer andother diseases using radiation therapy. They work closely withoncologists medical physicists and other healthcare professionalsto deliver precise and safe radiation treatments to patients. Therole requires expertise in operating advanced radiotherapyequipment developing treatment plans and ensuring the higheststandards of patient care andsafety
1.Patient Treatment &Care
- Administerradiation therapy treatments as prescribed by clinicaloncologists
- Explainprocedures and treatment plans to patients addressing anyconcerns
- Positionpatients accurately for each treatment session using immobilizationdevices and imagingtechnology
- Monitorand assess patients' responses to radiation therapymanaging any sideeffects
2.Treatment Planning &Delivery
- Workwith oncologists and medical physicists to develop personalizedradiation treatmentplans
- Utilizeadvanced radiotherapy techniques suchas:
- IntensityModulatedRadiation Therapy(IMRT
- ImageGuidedRadiation Therapy(IGRT
- StereotacticRadiotherapy(SRT/SBRT
- Brachytherapy
- PerformCT MRI and PET scans to assist in treatmentplanning
- Ensuretreatment accuracy using 3D conformal radiation therapy 3DCRT) anddosimetrycalculations
3.Equipment & SafetyCompliance
- Operateand maintain linear accelerators (LINACs) CT simulators and otherradiotherapyequipment
- Ensurestrict radiation protection protocols to safeguard patients andstaff
- Conductquality assurance checks on equipment and reportmalfunctions
- Adhereto healthcare regulations and safety standards as per IAEA ICRP andlocal regulatoryauthorities
4.Collaboration &Documentation
- Workalongside radiationoncologists physicists nurses and supportstaff to ensure integrated patientcare
- Maintain accuratepatientrecords treatment logs and radiation dosedocumentation
- Participatein multidisciplinaryteammeetings for case discussions and treatmentmodifications
Qualifications& SkillsRequired
- Bachelor'sor Master's degree in Radiotherapy Medical RadiationSciences or a relatedfield
- Certificationin Radiotherapy / Medical Radiation Therapy from a recognizedinstitution
- Validlicensing/registration with a recognized health authority (e.g. DHAMOH HAAD orequivalent
Technical& ProfessionalSkills:
- Strongknowledge of radiotherapy equipment imaging techniques andtreatment planning software (e.g. Eclipse RayStation orMonaco
- Experiencein modern radiotherapy techniques including IMRT IGRT VMAT andSRT/SBRT
- Familiaritywith radiation safety guidelines and regulatoryrequirements
- Excellentpatient care communication and teamworkskills
- 25years of experience as a Radiotherapist in a hospital or cancertreatmentcenter
- Experience working with advanced radiotherapy machines (LINACCyberKnife Gamma Knife Proton Therapy or Brachytherapy) is aplus
- Workwith stateoftheart radiotherapy technology in a dynamic andsupportiveenvironment
- Bepart of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to improving patientoutcomes
- Continuousprofessional development and training opportunities in cuttingedgeradiation oncologytechniques
Thisjob description provides an overview of the responsibilities andrequirements for this role. Additional duties may be assigned asneeded
Onlyshortlisted candidates will be contacted for further discussions.If you do not hear from a Consultant within ten working days fromthe date of your application please consider your applicationunsuccessful on thisoccasion
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Employment Type : Full TimeExperience: years