Current jobs related to Pulmonology Specialist - Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi - Royal Health Group, LLC
Pulmonology Specialist
7 days ago
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Royal Health Group, LLC Full timeRoles and responsibilities Specialist Pulmonology-Part timeRequirements Consulting with patients to understand their symptoms and health concerns.Diagnosing and treating conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema.Using and interpreting pulmonological exams and tests to aid in the diagnosis of cardiopulmonary diseases and conditions, including CT...
Pulmonology Specialist
3 days ago
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Royal Health Group, LLC Full timeRoles and responsibilitiesSpecialist Pulmonology-Part timeRequirementsConsulting with patients to understand their symptoms and health concerns.Diagnosing and treating conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema.Using and interpreting pulmonological exams and tests to aid in the diagnosis of cardiopulmonary diseases and conditions, including CT...
Respiratory Care Professional Wanted
3 days ago
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Royal Health Group, LLC Full timeJob Summary:We are seeking a skilled Pulmonology Specialist to join our team. As a Pulmonology Specialist, you will be responsible for diagnosing and treating respiratory conditions, conducting thorough patient evaluations, and developing effective treatment plans.The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, empathy, and the ability to work...
Pulmonology Specialist Position
3 days ago
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Royal Health Group, LLC Full timeAbout Royal Health Group, LLCRoyal Health Group, LLC is a leading healthcare provider dedicated to delivering exceptional patient care and advancing medical research.We are committed to fostering a collaborative environment where our professionals can thrive and grow while making a positive impact on people's lives.
Pulmonologist/diseases Physician
2 weeks ago
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates HRSearchPlus Full timeWe Are looking for a Specialist Doctor that can see yourself working and living in the United Arab Emirates. A reputed hospital is currently looking for experienced and dedicated Specialist Doctors to work within the United Arab Emirates on a permanent basis or part-time for the position of Pulmonologist. The salary for this permanent Consultant Specialist...
Pulmonologist/diseases Physician
3 weeks ago
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates HR Sesrch Plus℠ Full timeWe Are looking for a Specialist Doctor that can see yourself working and living in the United Arab Emirates. A reputed hospital is currently looking for experienced and dedicated Specialist Doctors to work within the United Arab Emirates on a permanent basis or part-time for the position of Pulmonologist. The salary for this permanent Consultant Specialist...
Pulmonology Specialist
1 week ago
Specialist Pulmonology-Parttime
- Consulting with patients tounderstand their symptoms and healthconcerns.
- Diagnosing and treating conditions,such as asthma, bronchitis, andemphysema.
- Using and interpretingpulmonological exams and tests to aid in the diagnosis ofcardiopulmonary diseases and conditions, including CT scans, chestfluoroscopies, ultrasounds, andbronchoscopies.
- Performing various specializedprocedures in order to acquire samples of the chest wall lining orthe lungs, for further analysis.
- Providingimmunizations against preventable cardiopulmonarydiseases.
- Maintaining detailed notes ofappointments with patients, including comments, tests and/ortreatments prescribed, and testresults.
- Referring patients to cardiothoracicsurgeons, when necessary.
- Advisingcardiothoracic surgeons of the risk status of patients andrecommending interventions to minimize risk, especially intuberculosis cases.
- Providing support andadvice to patients receiving long-termcare.
- Conducting research into the testing anddevelopment of new medications and methods of treatment.
- Bachelor's degree inbiology, physical sciences, or a relatedfield.
- Doctor of Medicine (MD)degree.
- Valid and active medicallicense.
- Excellent communicator who canempathize withpatients.
MedicalExpertise in RespiratoryDiseases
- Extensiveknowledge of the respiratory system and diseases that affect thelungs and airways.
- Expertise in diagnosing andtreating chronic conditions such asasthma ,COPD , pulmonaryfibrosis , and pulmonaryhypertension .
- Ability torecognize symptoms of severe lung conditions, includingpneumonia ,tuberculosis , sleepapnea , and interstitial lungdiseases .
- Proficiency ininterpreting diagnostic tests, such as pulmonaryfunction tests (PFTs) , chestX-rays , CT scans , andarterial blood gastests .
PatientAssessment andDiagnosis
- Skill inconducting thorough patient evaluations, including taking detailedmedical histories, performing physical exams, and orderingappropriate tests.
- Ability to interpret medicaltests to make accurate diagnoses and determine the most effectivetreatment plans.
- Knowledge of the symptoms andearly warning signs of serious pulmonary conditions like lungcancer and advancedCOPD.
- Expertise inutilizing bronchoscopy (a procedure toview the airways and lungs) for diagnostic purposes, such asdiagnosing lung infections, cancers, or obtaining tissue samplesfor biopsy.
- Skilled in interpretingpulmonary function tests (PFTs) toassess lung capacity, airway function, and the presence of anyrestrictive or obstructive lungdiseases.
- Experience with sleepstudies (polysomnography) to diagnose conditionslike sleepapnea .
Treatmentand Management of PulmonaryDiseases
- Proficiency inprescribing and managing treatments for chronic respiratorydiseases, including medications (e.g., inhalers, corticosteroids,bronchodilators), oxygen therapy, and pulmonaryrehabilitation.
- Ability to manage complexcases, such as patients with severeCOPD , pulmonaryfibrosis , or respiratoryfailure .
- Experience withadvanced treatments like mechanicalventilation , non-invasive positivepressure ventilation (NIPPV) , and lungtransplant evaluation andcare.
Diagnosing RespiratoryConditions
- Diagnosingconditions such as bronchitis ,asthma ,emphysema ,pneumonia , sleepapnea , interstitial lungdiseases , pulmonaryembolism , and lungcancer .
- Performing andinterpreting diagnostic tests such as chestX-rays , CT scans ,MRI scans , sputumcultures , pulmonary function tests(PFTs) , andbronchoscopy .
- Prescribingand managing medications to control respiratory diseases, includinginhalers, oral medications, and intravenoustreatments.
- Monitoring patients'respiratory function over time and adjusting treatment plans asnecessary.
- Using medical devices such asventilators , CPAP/BiPAPmachines for patients with respiratory failure orsleepapnea.
- Managinglong-term respiratory conditions likeasthma ,COPD , pulmonaryhypertension , and cysticfibrosis to improve the patient's qualityof life.
- Coordinating care with otherspecialists, such as cardiologists ,infectious disease specialists , oroncologists , when respiratory diseasesoverlap with other medicalconditions.
- Conductingprocedures such as bronchoscopy , whichinvolves inserting a flexible tube through the mouth or nose toexamine the airways and lungs, andthoracentesis , which involves removingfluid from the pleural space.
- Performingsleep studies and managing treatmentslike CPAP therapy for patients with sleepapnea .
Collaborationwith Other HealthcareProfessionals
- Workingwith pulmonary rehabilitationspecialists to create and manage rehabilitationprograms for patients with chronic lungdisease.
- Coordinating withthoracic surgeons for patients who mayrequire surgery, such as lungtransplant or removal oftumors.
- Collaborating with other specialists,including oncologists for lung cancerpatients, and cardiologists forpatients with pulmonary hypertension or heart-lungconditions.
PatientEducation and LifestyleCounseling
- Teachingpatients about proper inhaler technique, medication adherence,lifestyle modifications, and the importance of exercise andphysical activity to maintain lungfunction.
- Providing guidance on smokingcessation, including behavioral therapy, medication, andcounseling, for patients with tobacco-related lungconditions.
- Engaging inresearch to explore new treatments for pulmonary diseases,contributing to the development of advanced therapies and improvingpatient outcomes.
- Participating in clinicaltrials or publishing research findings in medical journals toadvance the field ofpulmonology.
Pulmonology,medicalcompliance,medical treatment
Employment Type: Part-time
Department / FunctionalArea: Medical Practice
Experience: years
Gender: Male
Vacancy: 1