OBGYN Specialist
3 days ago
- Perform regular annualexams on patients (e.g. pap smears).
- Analyzerecords, reports, test results, or examination information todiagnose medical condition of patient.
- Explainprocedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments withpatients.
- Collect, record, and maintain patientinformation, such as medical histories, reports, and examinationresults.
- Monitor patients over the course ofpregnancies.
- Treat infections of the cervix,ovaries and fallopian tubes.
- Identify cancerousgrowths within the reproductive system.
- Referpatient to medical specialist or other practitioner whennecessary.
Key Skillsfor a SpecialistOBGYN
ClinicalKnowledge in Obstetrics andGynecology
- In-depthunderstanding of female reproductive health, including menstrualhealth, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, andmenopause.
- Knowledge of conditions such aspolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),endometriosis,fibroids, pelvicinflammatory disease (PID), ovariancancer, and cervicalcancer.
- Proficiency inperforming surgeries, including cesareansections,hysterectomies,laparoscopic surgeries, andcervical procedures (e.g.,LEEP for precancerousconditions).
- Expertise in managingcomplicated deliveries, includingpreterm labor, multiplepregnancies, and high-riskpregnancies.
- Knowledge andexperience in managing pregnancies, providing prenatal care,performing ultrasounds, and monitoring fetaldevelopment.
- Ability to handle obstetricemergencies such as eclampsia,preeclampsia,gestational diabetes,placenta previa, andabruptioplacenta.
- Expertise indiagnosing and treating a variety of gynecological conditions,including uterine fibroids,cervical dysplasia,ovarian cysts, abnormalpap smears, and pelvic organprolapse.
- Knowledge ofpreventive care measures such as cervical cancerscreenings (Pap tests) and HPVvaccination.
Fertilityand ReproductiveHealth
- Experience indiagnosing and treating infertility issues, including the use ofassisted reproductive technologies like in vitrofertilization (IVF) or intrauterineinsemination (IUI).
- Ability tocounsel and support patients through reproductive health challengesand family planningdecisions.
PatientEducation andCounseling
- Excellentcommunication skills to educate patients on reproductive health,pregnancy, and gynecologicalconditions.
- Counseling patients regardingfamily planning options,contraception, menstrualhealth, and lifestyle factors affecting reproductivehealth.
Compassionand Empathy
- Strongemotional intelligence and empathy to support women throughpotentially challenging situations such as pregnancy complications,miscarriages, infertility issues, and gynecologicalcancers.
- Ability to build trust and create acomfortable environment for open communication, especiallyregarding sensitivetopics.
Knowledgeof Hormonal Health andMenopause
- Understandingof hormonal imbalances and their effects on health, includingpolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),perimenopause, andmenopause.
- Abilityto manage symptoms associated with hormonal changes, includinghot flashes, moodswings, andosteoporosisprevention.
Providing Prenatal andPostnatalCare
- Monitoring andmanaging the health of pregnant women and their developingfetuses.
- Performing routine prenatal check-ups,including ultrasounds, blood tests, and other diagnostic tests toensure the health of both mother andbaby.
- Providing postnatal care, includingmonitoring recovery after childbirth, counseling on breastfeeding,and addressing any concerns related to the postpartumperiod.
- Overseeingthe care of women with high-risk pregnancies, such as those withpre-existing medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension) orcomplications during pregnancy.
- Developingpersonalized care plans to manage risk factors and preventcomplications during pregnancy andchildbirth.
- Conductingvaginal deliveries and cesarean sections (C-sections) as necessary,including for complicated or emergencydeliveries.
- Providing assistance and guidanceduring labor, including pain management options such asepidurals, spinalanesthesia, or natural birthoptions.
SurgicalInterventions andProcedures
- Performinggynecological surgeries, includinghysterectomies,laparoscopic surgeries, andcervicalprocedures.
- Performingprocedures for reproductive health, such asD&Cs (dilatation andcurettage), endometrialbiopsies, andcolposcopies.
CancerScreening andTreatment
- Conductingscreenings for gynecological cancers, includingcervical cancer (Pap smears),ovarian cancer, andendometrialcancer.
- Providing diagnosis,treatment, and counseling for patients with gynecologicalcancers.
ContraceptiveCounseling and FamilyPlanning
- Offeringcounseling and education on various forms ofcontraception, includingbirth control pills,IUDs,implants, andsterilization.
- Assistingpatients in making informed choices regarding family planning,including fertility preservation andpostpartumcontraception.
Fertilityand InfertilityTreatment
- Diagnosingand treating infertility, including conducting tests to evaluateovarian reserve, spermanalysis, and fallopian tubepatency.
- Offering fertilitytreatments, such as IUI,IVF, and ovulationinduction, and providing emotional support duringtheprocess.
PatientEducation andSupport
- Educatingpatients on maintaining reproductive health, managing menstrualdisorders, and preparing forpregnancy.
- Offering emotional support for womenexperiencing pregnancy loss, infertility, or gynecological healthissues.
Menopauseand Hormonal HealthManagement
- Managingsymptoms related to perimenopause andmenopause, includinghormone replacement therapy (HRT),lifestyle recommendations, and managing associated conditions likeosteoporosis and heartdisease.
- Providing care forconditions such as vaginal atrophy,hot flashes, and moodswings related to hormonalchanges.
Collaboratingwith Other HealthcareProviders
- Coordinatingwith specialists, including maternal-fetal medicinespecialists,endocrinologists, andoncologists, to provide comprehensivecare for complexcases.
Gynecology andObstetrics,Obstetrics,medical treatment
Employment Type : Full-time
Department / Functional Area: MedicalPractice
Experience: years
Gender: Male
Vacancy: 1
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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Royal Health Group, LLC Full timeRoles and responsibilitiesPerform regular annual exams on patients (e.g. pap smears).Analyze records, reports, test results, or examination information to diagnose medical condition of patient.Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical histories,...
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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Royal Health Group, LLC Full timeRoles and responsibilitiesPerform regular annual exams on patients (e.g. pap smears).Analyze records, reports, test results, or examination information to diagnose medical condition of patient.Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients.Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical histories,...
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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City - SSMC Full timeRoles and responsibilitiesWe are looking for a compassionatephysician to provide primary care for patients suffering frominjuries and common illnesses. The physician'sresponsibilities include diagnosing and treating injuries,illnesses, and disorders, prescribing medications, makingrecommendations on lifestyle changes, and answeringpatients'...
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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City - SSMC Full timeRoles and responsibilities We are looking for a compassionate physician to provide primary care for patients suffering from injuries and common illnesses. The physician's responsibilities include diagnosing and treating injuries, illnesses, and disorders, prescribing medications, making recommendations on lifestyle changes, and answering patients' questions....
Consultant Physician OBGyne
3 weeks ago
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City - SSMC Full timeRoles and responsibilities We are looking for a compassionate physician to provide primary care for patients suffering from injuries and common illnesses. The physician's responsibilities include diagnosing and treating injuries, illnesses, and disorders, prescribing medications, making recommendations on lifestyle changes, and answering patients' questions....