Operations CoordinatorFilled
1 week ago
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Dusit Hotels and Resorts in Davao
Full time
- Assist the Director of Operations in the day-to-day operation of the hotel as required.
- Duties also include handling the calendar and administration assistance for the Director of Operations.
- Schedule and arrange all appointments for the Director of Operations.
- Prioritize all telephone calls and in-person external and internal visitors.
- Assist DOO in all incoming web-site comments/inquiries.
- Assist DOO to respond to all guest feedback in Trust You.
- Arrange all VIP reservation requests and associated amenities when channeled.
- Assist to compose correspondences for the Director of Operations, review and edit welcome letters, guest follow-up letters, internal memos, etc.
- Assist the Director of Operations in his/her public service role by keeping files up-to-date for the various committees and boards he/she participates on.
- Schedule all department and division heads for regular meetings with the Director of Operations.
- Support internal hotel projects, tracking necessary action and updating reports as progress is made (i.e. Hotel Vision, annual budget, etc.).
- Keeps the filing system up-to-date.
- Maintain trace file and bring forward daily items to act on appropriate tasks.
- Assist in drafting Performance Reviews for Operational Division Heads.
- Handle all office administration duties such as mail, phones, photocopying, and office supplies.
- Schedule Operations Department Head meetings, take and distribute minutes, and arrange/attend sub-committee meetings as required.
- Make travel arrangements as required.
- Assist with and support staff events as appropriate, such as leadership meetings, executive retreat, staff receptions, etc.
- Assume the duties of the Administrative Assistant of the Director of Operations in his/her absence.
- Monitor TrustYou and ensure that corrective actions are implemented by the relevant HODs.
Filing & Records:
- The Operations Coordinator is the captain of the Operations Division filing, she must know by heart where to find and to classify any document to be able to find it back very quickly.
- He needs to understand and respect perfectly the system established. He will be dynamic to bring initiatives to the Director of Operations to facilitate the work, or to improve the organizational system.
- He will ensure that no document is lost and that the Director of Operations has on hand all required documents as per system established.
- He will ensure that all documents are filed on time, at the right place and with the standard established. The locations of the documents are: Director of Operations Office. Operations Coordinator Desk.
- He will ensure that all scheduled paper work is ready for the date defined. He will keep records of the deadlines and do an efficient chasing to Director of Operations and Operations Division Department. The paper concerned will be for example: Schedules, Training Name lists, special projects & concepts, etc.
- Audit Preparation Issues:
- He will ensure that all documents are properly organized in the accurate file that the figures are correct, ready to be checked by the Director of Operations on a daily and/or monthly basis. He will be very involved in all the audit issues documents and will ensure that the Operations Division administration procedures established are respected by all Departments. He will make a report to the Director of Operations if he finds any problem.
- The Operations Coordinator will prepare on a monthly basis the "Profit & Loss Meeting" for the Operations Division as per Dusit Standard with all documents and figures for the Director of Operations to study and make her comments.
- The Operations Coordinator will be very organized in his work and will keep at any time his office clean, tidy and following strictly the organizational standards established.
- The Operations Division is a big "Paper Factory" & the Operations Coordinator is responsible to route each of them to the right place. She will then pick up at the beginning and at the end of her shift, plus every two hours minimum during the day, all the papers from the Operations Division & Director of Operations pigeon holes. She will then organize them and put all documents concerning the Director of Operations on her desk. She will then route them strictly as per instructed by Director of Operations and will make the copies accurately when required.
- When the Operations Coordinator is aware of internal problem, which may be fixed, he has to let the Director of Operations know right away to ensure that all eventual problems are fixed on time and are kept under control.
- Ensure wherever possible that employees are provided with a work place free of discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- Treat complaints of harassment and discrimination promptly and confidentially.
- Treat customers and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect and sensitivity.
- Identify and deal with issues which may cause cross cultural conflict or misunderstanding.
Coordinator Of The Communication
- Meetings / Committees: The Operations Coordinator will attend the required meetings organized by the Director of Operations. She will take note of all details and comments made during those meetings and will report them carefully in the "minutes". These "Minutes" will be controlled & approved by the Director of Operations before to be issued.
- Bookings: The Operations Coordinator will book in advance the meeting rooms required for meetings & committees and will ensure that everything is ready for the time of meetings or trainings.
- Center Of Information: The Operations Coordinator must be well aware of the Operations Division Issues and their status. She is able to give some information when required to the Operations Division staff regarding non-confidential and official issues.
- The Operations Coordinator will assist the Director of Operations in all the administration tasks to make his/her work more efficient. She will handle the typing and formatting work on computer when required and will be flexible to receive instructions upon the priority of the moment.
- She/He will organize the schedule of the Director of Operations in advance and remind him in advance to make sure that he does not miss an appointment or meeting and has time to prepare it.
- She/He will remind him as well the pending matters that he is supposed to follow up (as per his instruction or minutes). She will then keep a pending list to be able to do an accurate follow up on time.
- She/He will answer first all the outside calls addressed to the Director of Operations, will take the name, company and position systematically and will announce the call if the Director of Operations is available. If she is not available, the Operations Coordinator will then take all details (for internal & external calls) of the message and the contact number. She/He will advise the Director of Operations as soon as possible.
- She/He will ensure a perfect communication to the Director of Operations of all the information received. The Director of Operations will be the first informed in the shortest time possible of any information received.
- The Operations Coordinator will act as the spokesman of the Director of Operations when instructed to follow some documents or issues with other departments of the hotel.
- She will ensure that all information received or heard within the division of the Director of Operations is kept confidential to ensure that the privacy is maintained.