PulmonaryCritical Care-Intensivist
4 weeks ago
NewYork-Presbyterian MedicalGroup is looking for a board certified/boardeligible full time Intensivist atNewYork-Presbyterian Westchester inour 18-bed ICU in Bronxville,New York. The ideal candidate will befellowship trained in Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine. Acompleted fellowship in Critical Care plus core training in eitherInternal Medicine, Surgery or Anesthesiology will also beconsidered.
NewYork-PresbyterianWestchester (formerly NewYork-Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital)provides access to primary care physicians andspecialists from ColumbiaDoctors, the faculty practice of ColumbiaUniversity Irving Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian MedicalGroup Westchester. Our 288-bed facility is home to a cancer center,maternity center, breast health center, two cardiac catheterizationlabs, and a state-designated Stroke Center. NYPW provides advancedservices such as minimally invasive surgery, state-of-the-artorthopedic care, access to clinical trials; emergency care toapproximately 35,000 individuals annually; and delivers nearly2,000 babies eachyear.
Bronxville, NewYork is located in the heart of SouthernWestchester County. This area isconveniently located to many main thoroughfares allowing forproximity to NYC. This beautiful suburban neighborhood with accessto the great outdoors and city life, makes it a wonderful place tolive and work.
The salary range for thisposition is $ 295k to $ 345k. This compensation range does notinclude our amazing benefits and any incentive payments, based onquality measures and productivity, that may be applicable to thisrole.
Comunication skills,Healthcare
Employment Type : Full Time
Department / Functional Area: HSE (Health / Safety /Environment)
Experience: 0 Years -1 Years years
Vacancy: 1
Joining Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025