Occupational Toxicologist

3 months ago

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates GSK Full time

In this role youwill...

  • Provides expert toxicology review ofGSK Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for GSK drug substances,intermediates, mixtures, products etc. Interfaces with SDS authorsto ensure timely and accurate development /updates;
  • Provides expert toxicology assessments(human health hazard assessments) and guidance for GSK products andprocess materials across global span of GSK, including developmentof Health based exposure limits (HBELs): Occupational exposurelimits (OELs), Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) Limits for variousmodalities (small molecules, peptides, biologics, oligonucleotides,etc)
  • Provides worldwide training and support intoxicologically related topics, establishes and maintains processesto enable effective communication and education of keystakeholders, maintains the global EHS toxicologydatabase;
  • Support to worker safety testingprograms at external toxicology labs relevant for hazardcharacterization for new product and to support chemicalregistration data requirements
  • Contribute toprojects to ensure regulatory compliance; authoring and/orreviewing reports, protocols, guidelines and standard operatingprocedures (SOPs) and ensuring harmonized approaches with regard tothe toxicological assessments;
  • Monitorscientific developments and conduct desktop research includingliterature searches, and critically evaluate and summarisescientific information and governmentregulations.
  • Maintain toxicological expertiserelevant to nonclinical safety of drugs, occupational health, andproduct quality risk, i.e. keeps up to date with the scientificliterature and regulatory guidance, attends and contributes torelevant professional/scientific meetings, and publishes in peerreviewed journals, if appropriate



We are lookingfor professionals with these required skills to achieve ourgoals:

  • Significant experience in toxicologyfield
  • BSc degree or equivalent intoxicology/pharmacology or related
  • Researchskills with literature searches, toxicology databases, regulatorydatabases and computational tools
  • Projectplanning, tracking and management skills to ensure actions andcommitments are delivered to plan
  • CIminded
  • Ambitious, proactive andmotivated


If you have thefollowing characteristics, it would be aplus:

  • Experience in regulatory toxicology,gained in pharmaceutical / biopharmaceutical, chemical, or relatedproduct manufacturing
  • Masters degree orequivalent in toxicology
  • ProfessionalQualification/Certifications (e.g DABT, ERT orsimilar).
  • An understanding of GloballyHarmonized System (GHS) for classification and labelling ofchemicals and the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)regulation and other relevant globalregulations
  • Knowledge of global chemicalregulations and hazardassessments